Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion calculator

easy and fast calculate celsius to fahrenheit

Celsius to Fahrenheit


Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit is a quick way to convert temperaturesfrom one scale to the other. There are many different formulas for convertingCelsius to Fahrenheit. You can use this one if you are unfamiliar with the metric system. Celsius is 100 degrees Celsius plus 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Forexample, 5°C is equal to 5°C plus 32°F, which equals 37°F. 

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◉ Celsius is a unitof temperature that is used by meteorologists worldwide. It is based on the triplepoint of water. The melting and boiling points of water are taken as 0°C and100°C, respectively, so water freezes at 0°C and boils at 100°C at oneatmosphere of pressure. Thus, the unit was originally defined as 1/100 of this temperature difference, so that 0°C was exactly 32°F. This definition was revised in 1954 to make the Celsius scale approximately coincide with the Fahrenheit scale. The definition of the Celsius scale was changed in 1948 to make it equal to the mean temperature of the coldest month between 1951 and 1980. 

 -40° Celsius and fahrenheit are thesame in terms of the reading temperatures on the thermometer. 

 Temperature readings are 0 degreescelsius and 32 degrees fahrenheit. 


Formula of Celsius to Fahrenheitconversion 

  • ºF =     (ºC * 1.8) + 32 
  • ºF =     Fahrenheit Temperature Scale 
  • ºC =     Celsius Temperature Scale 

Relation between celsius andfahrenheit scales  

  • C/5     = (F - 32)/9 

How to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit  

Example.1:-Celsius = 5°C ,Fahrenheit = ? 

  • solve:-ºF = (ºC * 1.8) + 32 
  • ºF = (5 * 1.8) + 32 
  • ºF = 9 + 32 
  • ºF = 41º 
  • 5 celsius (°C) = 41 Fahrenheit (ºF) 

Example.2:-Celsius = 9°C ,Fahrenheit = ? 

  • solve:-ºF = (ºC * 1.8) + 32 
  • ºF = (9 * 1.8) + 32 
  • ºF = 16.2 + 32 
  • ºF = 48.2º 
  • 9 celsius (°C) = 48.2 Fahrenheit (ºF)